Hello. Long time no blog; since January, when I started training for the Mississauga Marathon. I had a long fall/winter layoff of running, and now needed to get back into it to achieve my goal of 3:30 or better.
Fortunately, i did achieve what I wanted with that race, finishing in 3:27. Without getting into too much race report detail, it was a perfect day all around. The weather was cool, I had no gear issues, no stomach issues, no issues of any sort (other than a bad case of nerves).
This week was not an easy one to start training in. Sunday’s run was a cold run down by the lake in Ajax on an unmaintained Waterfront Trail. We (Cheryl and I) eventually bailed and ran the roads. Monday was my first Monday night Yoga session, which went well. I think yoga will be a good fit on Mondays, especially once the Sunday mileage creeps up into the 20km+ range. Wednesday’s run was awful; outside was a big snowstorm, so I decided to do the run on my treadmill.
Ah, the start of another training cycle. How many times have I done this now? I can’t count how many. The “working sessions” figuring out the schedule. Adding new elements to the training; things to try out. Re-assessing the gear situation; do I need any new shirts/shorts/tights/thermals/runderwear/jackets/hats/etc… The excitement of yet another goal, another stepping stone on the way to Boston glory…
Except this time, I felt none of that. Mostly just dread.
A running blogger I follow, Amanda Loudin, is asking her readers to join in and list their #yearofrunning13. She asked us to answer 6 questions that look back on our past year of running.
Best Race Experience I wasn’t happy with many of my race experiences this year, but one that I guess I can say was the “best” of the lot was the Night Race that took place in Toronto the first week of September.