Week 1: January 25-31
This week was not an easy one to start training in. Sunday’s run was a cold run down by the lake in Ajax on an unmaintained Waterfront Trail. We (Cheryl and I) eventually bailed and ran the roads. Monday was my first Monday night Yoga session, which went well. I think yoga will be a good fit on Mondays, especially once the Sunday mileage creeps up into the 20km+ range. Wednesday’s run was awful; outside was a big snowstorm, so I decided to do the run on my treadmill. Well, I was inadequately prepared to do it (forgot a towel, fan), and forgot how mind-numbingly boring it was running in one spot for an hour. Thursday and Friday runs I bailed on; no time to shoe-horn them into the week. Saturday’s Beans run was the only good one of the week; a nice blistering 6km run with the crew. Ah well, next week will hopefully be better.