Back At It!
So. I ran yesterday for the first time since the Mississauga Marathon. Usually I take a week off of running, then ease my way back into it. But 3 days after the race, I came down with a bad cold that refuses to entirely go away. The worst of it lasted for a week, and now it’s tapering off, but way too slowly. I’m tired of coughing, blowing my nose, and sounding totally stuffed up.
The run was good; did just over 6km with a buddy from work. The day was sunny, and hot by the time we went out. I told him up front that I had no idea what fitness level I would be in, so if he wanted to drop me, that would be fine. He’s training for a sprint triathlon in a few weeks, so he was okay to do an easy run.
It was nice to get out and run; so nice that I’ve decided to start bringing my running gear to work as often as I can. Even if I can do 2 runs, I’d be happy. Trying to find time to get the runs in is where I have the most problems. Many of the runners I know train in the early morning. As I’ve said before, I am NOT a morning person, by any stretch. But, I think, if I am serious about training, I’m going to have to start.
Next week, on Tuesday, I’ll try to get up at 5am and get a run or some sort of workout in before I have to make lunches for everyone, and go to work. It may be a run, or some yoga, or even some core work. Anything, at this point, would be good. Of course, it also means that I can’t lie on the couch until 1am watching mindless TV anymore. Sucks. Ah well, such is the life of the training athlete!
Speaking of which, I need to finalize my training schedule for my next race, which is the ENDURrun Sport. I think I’ll base the training on the schedule I tried to do this spring, but failed. It was pretty aggressive, but not overly so; definitely doable.